The Oil | Types of People | In Right Standing Podcast

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12 | The Oil | Types of People | In Right Standing Podcast

We are back with the second season!

Jada Cofield has an accumulation of teachings, observations, and studies from her twenty-five years as an ordained minister, a sister, a friend, a daughter, and a woman coupled with her travels and living throughout the world.

Today's episode is coming to you from the Olive Orchard of Georgia. The olive tree is one of the oldest trees on the planet and there are those on the island of Crete that dates back to more than 3000 years old. Olive trees themselves are hardy, drought, disease, and fire-resistant. Their longevity is based on its use and value. An olive tree can withstand drought because of its extensive root system. Which we know the Bible instructs us to be rooted and grounded in love. Most olive trees take several years until they produce their first harvest. This very orchard took six years before it yielded its first crop. Grown from a seed, a dream, and a need. What seed do you have? What dream can you believe? What need can you supply?

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