The extreme beer garden physics episode (total nerd) | Auto Expert John Cadogan

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This report is inspired by the following question from Mike Bristow:

Hi John,
Great report and fantastic clarity. No one else goes to such lengths to explain things like this the way you do. Great job.
During your video, you stated that accelerating from zero appears quick and tails off the faster you go until you can't accelerate any more.
Presumably due to the physical limitations of the engine (air/petrol intake, physical properties of the engine, and ultimately air pressure etc.)

Because you appear to me to be extremely adept at explaining issues involving the more fundamental properties of science, would you please indulge me in explaining something that is kind of
linked, but nothing to do with cars - yet anyway.

Your statement re acceleration struck a chord and made me think about a lifelong issue that no one has been able to explain. The issue being the finite speed of light.

A light wave or particle (not sure if they've decided which is which yet but never mind) travels, as you know, at a bit over 670 million miles an hour and according the prophet Einstein, nothing can travel faster. Is it because there is no known force that can give it more momentum or simply something that prevents it going faster by getting in its way like the fabric of space itself, if that actually exists.

I know this is a very simplified way of looking at it but surely things should be explainable so the common man can understand.

All the common axioms that get blurted out by nerds that think they believe in relativity etc. drive me round the twist. I'm just looking for an honest, down to earth answer as to why light can't go faster than 670 million mph.
Sorry to bother you with this John but if you do have the time, I'm sure your answer would make not just me but a lot of interested science guys like me very happy.

If I don't hear from you, I completely understand.

All the best,
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