The Chronicles of Men Who Upset the World: Timothy - Daron Roberts

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Acts 16:1-3 "Christ's Final Sermon" by Daron Roberts

As the second book Luke addressed to Theophilus (see Luke 1:3), Acts may originally have had no title. The Greek manuscripts title it “Acts,” and many add “of the Apostles.” The Greek word translated “Acts” (praxeis) was often used to describe the achievements of great men. Acts does feature the notable figures in the early years of the church, especially Peter (chaps. 1–12) and Paul (chaps. 13–28). But the book could more properly be called “The Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles,” since His sovereign, superintending work was far more significant than that of any man. It was the Spirit’s directing, controlling, and empowering ministry that strengthened the church and caused it to grow in numbers, spiritual power, and influence.

Acts abounds with transitions: from the ministry of Jesus to that of the apostles; from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant; from Israel as God’s witness nation to the church (composed of both Jews and Gentiles) as God’s witness people. The book of Hebrews sets forth the theology of the transition from the Old Covenant to the New; Acts depicts the New Covenant’s practical outworking in the life of the church.

About Daron Roberts

Daron has been at Grace Immanuel Bible Church in Jupiter, Florida, since 2008. Prior to his arriving in Florida, Daron spent a number years playing professional baseball. Upon retiring from baseball in 2009, Daron enrolled at The Expositor’s Seminary, Jupiter campus. He graduated from the MDiv program in 2015 with a degree in Pastoral Theology. In September of 2015 he joined the pastoral staff at Grace Immanuel. From 2010 to 2015 Daron served as part of the leadership for the young marrieds’ ministry, Grace Life. Daron now serves as the pastor of the college and career ministry. He also works as a pastoral assistant to Jerry Wragg and is part of the development and student recruiting team for The Expositor’s Seminary. He has been happily married for seven years to Bethany and has been blessed with four children.

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Audio used with permission from Daron Roberts

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