Surah Al-Kahf (18) Recitation English Translated & Indonesia Terjemahan - The Quran الكهف

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It is one of the Meccan suras in the Noble Quran, and it is one of the five chapters that begin with the praise of God Almighty. It is one of the greatest
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and longest surahs of the Noble Quran, but nevertheless it provides great comfort to the reader, and it is Surat Al-Kahf that our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, urged us to read. every Friday.

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1 God praised for the gift of the Quran
2 The Quran a warner to unbelievers and good tidings to the faithful
3 The reward for the believers who do good deeds will be an everlasting abode
4-5 Quran is a warning to those who say God has sons or daughters, and their sayings are lies not based on knowledge
6 Muhammad grieves for the unbelief of his people
7-8 Earth's adornment to be reduced to dust
9-22 The story of the companions of the cave
23-24 Muhammad rebuked for promising a revelation on a fixed date
25 The sleepers of the cave sleep 309 years
26 Times and seasons are in God's hands
27 None can change the Quran
28 The pious are the Prophet's guardians
29 Truth is from the Lord
30-31 Sufferings of the wicked contrasted with the rewards of the righteous
32-44 The parable of the two men
45 Life on earth likened to water from heaven
46 Good works better than wealth and children
47 Mankind assembled on the judgment-day 48-49 The manner of the judgment—the book of personal action delivered
50 Iblis refuses to prostrate to Adam
51 The offspring of Satan, not present at the creation
52 Idol-worshippers deserted by their idols in the judgment
53 The wicked doomed to hell-fire
54 Every similitude mentioned in the Quran
55 The Quran rejected by men through unbelief
56 Prophets are sent with threats and good news
57 The sin of apostasy
58 Allah is Merciful and men have been given respite and an appointed time for their accountability
59 Unbelief destroyed the former cities
60-65 Moses and Joshua visit Khidr 66 Moses desires to be taught by Khidr 66-69 Khidr, knowing Moses's inability to receive his wisdom, yields to his importunity 71-77 He scuttles a boat, kills a man, and builds a tottering wall 78-82 Khidr refuses to communicate further with Moses on account of his protests against his conduct, but condescends to explain his conduct
83-86 Dhu al Qarnain journeys to the setting sun 87-88 He finds a people, whom he is permitted to treat as he will 89-94 He travels east and north, where he finds an ignorant race, who plead his protection against Gog and Magog 95-97 He builds a rampart against them 98-99 Gog and Magog to be let loose before the judgment-day
100-108 Rewards and punishments in the judgment
109 Were the ocean ink, it would not suffice to write all the words of God
110 Muhammad only a mortal man [2]

The verses of Surah Al-Kahf take us on several interesting tours with wonderful Quranic stories, including: the story of the people of the cave, the story of Moses and al-Khader, the story of heaven, the story of the people of the cave. The Cave and the story of Surat Al-Kahf. The story of Dhu al-Qarnayn that brings us together through these stories is the four most sedition in the world, the trial of science, which is the story of Musa and al-Khader and the trial of money, and it is the story of its owner. Among the new ones is the fitnah of strength, which is the story of Dhu al-Qarnayn and the fitnah of religion, which is the story of the owner of the two gardens

Light in the cave
Regarding this Surah, many hadiths were mentioned on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding the virtue of reciting Surat Al-Kahf, "may God bless him and grant him peace," which he said. (Whoever recites Surat Al-Kahf on Friday night will shine for him between it and the old house). This is all true.

Likewise, the Prophet said: (Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, a light shines for him between Friday.) It is one of the most powerful what was said in reading Surah Al-Kahf

One of the best times to recite Surah Al-Kahf from the beginning of the day until its night, i.e. from sunset on Thursday until sunset on Friday, and in general always times of the night and the edges of the day are the best for reciting the Quran.

When the Noble Qur’an tells stories to us, whether stories of the prophets, stories of righteous men, or stories of non-righteous people, the purpose of these stories is to take the sermon, lesson and experience, and learn from them. So that we do not fall into the mistakes made by previous nations, for life is experiments, and a rational person takes notice of what happened with others in terms of good and evil, and he benefits from these previous lessons.

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