Save the Travel Industry

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This is not the normal type of video I post on my channel. But these are not normal times.

We all hope that the COVID pandemic ends soon and that we will be able to get out and explore the world again. However for that to be able to happen safely we need to ensure that the Travel Industry survives.

Everybody's holiday is unique and nobody likes having their holidays stuffed up. This is why the travel industry is so complex - it requires specialised skills and training. Currently the travel industry is losing those skills at an alarming rate as the job losses and business closures continue to mount.

Here in Australia the jobs that remain are being supported by the government through a scheme called JobKeeper. This provides financial support to employers to enable them to keep paying employees. JobKeeper is due to end on 31 March.

The #savethetravelindustry campaign is designed to highlight the plight of the travel industry put public pressure on the government to help. This campaign is designed to help support the many industry bodies, companies and individuals who have been lobbying the government through their local politicians.

You can find out more about the campaign and how you can help by​

You can show your support by signing our petition to the Australian Government through this link:

I wholeheartedly support this campaign and all campaigns designed to help protect the world's travel and tourism industries.

Thank you for your support.


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