How Eliyahu Hanavi comes down to this world and travels

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Eliyahu hanavi’s body exists in a state between the earth and the heavens so that he can readily come down to be enclothed in a way to reveal himself to the Tzadikim in this world. This אליהו זכור לטוב is gematria לבש for this “garment”.

Interestingly, the place that Eliyahu went up into the heavens was not in Israel but on the other side of the Jordan. This was the same place that Pinchas killed Zimri and was anointed as a Cohen, since he was jealous for the Bris (just as Eliyahu was).

Further, this place is an in-between state, between the holiness land of the land of Israel and outside-Israel. This is because Eliyahu has permission to reveal himself in all places that the “tempest wind” takes him to. (In other words, the place he was taken is also part of the “garment” concept enabling him to, not only encloth himself in the physical, but to traverse the entire world. As pur sages said מיכאל באחת גבריאל בשתים אליהו בארבע. The concept of “wind” ascribed to Eliyahu furthers this idea of the in between state between the “earth” below and the “fire” of heaven above.) It is for this reason that Eliyahu is associated with wind while חנוך’s body turned into fire (implying that Eliyahu’s body is more like “wind”, as we see here the way he travels.)

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