BIGGEST Secret Military Technologies

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10 Self-Steering Bullets
Let’s start off with a technology that is so hard to believe that it will simply bend your mind. Meet the self-steering bullets of the next generation! Now we all know that a bullet is dead metal and only travels directly right? wrong! The new self-steering technology aims to develop bullets that can correct their direction on course, meaning they can bend and turn and hit right where you want them to. Plus, this will be a wonderful way to hit moving targets, which used to always give snipers and sharpshooters a headache.

09 Laser Cannon
Now you must be familiar with this technology from science fiction, Especially if you are a Star Wars fan! But this time there are no graphics or green screens involved and this is totally real. Reportedly, the US military and Boeing corporations have been developing a truck-mounted laser cannon that can take down incoming mortars, artillery and even missiles. And the name of this project sums it all up, HEL-MD. Sounds ominous, right? It stands for High-Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator.

08 Plasma Protection Field
I’m pretty sure most of you are already familiar with this incredible technology, mainly thanks to the imagination of Hollywood. It’s been a part of human imagination for decades now. It is another Hollywood inspiration, the idea of invincibility caused by a force shield. The Plasma Protection Field. yes, the one like they had in Star Wars, Guardians of Galaxy, Avengers, and more. How does it work, though?

07 Ultra-Stealth Bomber
Stealth bombers are not a fascinating or a new idea these days! They are so normal even Hollywood don’t mention them anymore. But what if I say that nowadays many defense contractors are conducting research on how to develop even “stealthier” aircrafts. These special bombers are ones that the enemy will never notice until they come in and bomb the whole place down.

06 Augmented Reality Headset
Augmenting real life scenarios where you can see, feel and hear in the digital realm have been extremely popular, especially in the video game industry. However, such simulation has now been the focus of the military as well.

05 Hypersonic Ballistic Missiles
Ballistic missiles, which have a long range and can even carry nuclear warheads are already complex and extremely destructive. Apparently, nowadays they are not fast enough, now the development of a Hypersonic Ballistic missile is ongoing.

04 Light tank prototype
Now this one might not seem like a fantasy of Hollywood or a futuristic science-fiction vision, but it surely will be one of the most important innovations in conventional warfare. Currently, General Dynamics corporation and the British military are modifying and developing a light tank that has enhanced fire power and light weight design that can confuse the enemy with speed and mobility on the battlefield. That is a rare combination, if not impossible for tanks, which are slow-moving and time consuming by the nature of their design.

03 Invisible Super Soldiers
Nature and animals have long inspired humans in various camouflaging techniques. Camouflage allows troops to remain undetected and hidden on the battlefield and during special combat operations. However, latest developments in thermal and infrared vision systems have made the traditional camouflage techniques almost useless.

02 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Artificial Intelligence
UAVs and A.I are widely popular tech topics these days, especially since the work of mega corporations like Tesla, Amazon and Microsoft. However, in terms of military applications, Artificial Intelligence technology is still in its infant stage.

01 Satellite Melter
Now we come to the ultimate lethal technology. Melting down satellites. It simply sounds too fantastic and almost silly right? apparently, not so much for the defense contractors Northrop Grumman and Raytheon who are currently designing such a weapon along with the Pentagon.
The objective is to use the sun's energy and reflect these sun beams towards an enemy satellite. If done right, this can obliterate and malfunction an enemy satellite within days! Can they use this same technology to burn and melt targets on the earth? If so, it would look like something out of James bond movies!
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