Anti-Lockdown Protest - The Police crush all those who dare speak out against Tyranny - London

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Not everyone agrees with the direction the world is going. In the past, people had the right to protest. It would seem under the current Conservative Government that right has been taken away from us. Why you may ask? "There's a Pandemic" they screech! It's not just the UK that has turned all 1984 in the 2020's - Governments around the world aided by big Tech and the Mainstream Media have all colluded to attack anyone who speaks out against the Lockdowns and impending Great Reset. Please read - Klaus Schwab's - The Great Reset - - If you are cynical of what the World Economic Forum, The IMF & the New World Order have planned for this planet. This crisis has been weaponised to bring forward their Great Reset and those populations that submit to their tyranny simply bring it in faster.

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