4 pre-departure checks you MUST make before boating.

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Performing pre-departure checks on a boat is essential for ensuring a safe and trouble-free voyage. Here are the four key areas to check before leaving the dock:

1. Conditions: Before leaving the dock, it's important to check the weather conditions and ensure they are suitable for safe boating. This includes checking the wind speed and direction, the sea state, and the forecast for any changes in weather conditions. It's also important to ensure that there are no major storms or weather events in the area that could pose a risk to the boat and its passengers.

2. Power: Check the boat's engines, generator, fuel supply, and battery to ensure they are in good working condition. Make sure the engine starts easily and runs smoothly, and that there are no leaks or other issues with the fuel or steering system. Check the battery to ensure it is fully charged and that all electrical systems are working properly. Check propulsion and thrusters.

3. Vessel: Check the vessel for any damage or wear and tear that could affect its seaworthiness. This includes checking the hull for cracks or other damage, inspecting the bilges, and ensuring that all hatches, ports, and other openings are properly secured.

4. Safety equipment: Finally, it's important to check that all safety equipment is onboard and in good working condition. This includes life jackets, flares, fire extinguishers, navigation lights, and any other equipment required by law or recommended for safe boating. Make sure that all equipment is properly stowed and easily accessible in case of an emergency.

Performing these checks before every voyage can help ensure a safe and enjoyable boating experience.



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