【空姐去窮遊】2021 用最少的錢去#環遊世界!| Let's #Travel Around the World with LEAST #BUDGET in 2021! #空姐 #旅行 #窮遊

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00:00 前言 Travel Intro
00:40 有獎問答揭曉 Answers
02:21 窮遊 Budget Traveling
03:29 住宿篇 Hostels
06:34 行程篇 Itineraries
08:33 飲食篇 Foods
09:18 獨自出走 Solo Travel

2021年啦!在家呆了一年的你,還是覺得賺錢要賺到夠上車才是人生嗎?有沒有很後悔曾因為某個工作會議而把自己的假期取消?是否也每天盼著世界各地開關?F___ That!誰說旅行一定要花上人生的積蓄?誰說瘋狂去旅行就一定是跟錢作對?這一集就讓我們來分享過去這四年,我們如何用最少的錢去環遊世界吧!你準備好2021年跟著我們到世界趴趴走了嗎?

It's 2021! After a year of lockdown, do you still think that "Money is Everything"? Do you regret that you once cancelled a trip for a business meeting? Do you wish all the travel bans would be lifting tomorrow? F___ That! Who says traveling cost your bank account? Who says "those who always travels are broke"? In this episode, we are sharing our trips on Budget Traveling - travel around the world with the least cost in the past 4 years! Let's travel to the world in 2021! Are you ready?


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