ప్రపంచంలోని 10 సహజ అద్భుతాలు - 10 Natural Wonders of the World

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10 Natural Wonders of the World

10. Sahara
The Sahara Desert in North Africa is the largest hot desert in the world

9. Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay consists of thousands of islands with a 120 km long coastline around northern Vietnam

8. Mount Everest
Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth with a height of 8,848 meters.

7. Antarctica
Although about 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice, it is technically an area with very little rainfall

6. Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system spanning over 3000 km

5. Grand Canyon
Located in northern Arizona, the Grand Canyon is one of the greatest tourist attractions in the United States.

4. Iguazu Falls
One of the great natural wonders of the world, Iguazu Falls is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina.

3. Amazon
The Amazon rainforest represents more than half of the planet's remaining rainforests and is the largest tropical rainforest and has unparalleled biodiversity.

2. Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands off Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean.

1. Serengeti
The Serengeti ecosystem, stretching from Tanzania to Kenya, is home to the largest mammal concentration on Earth.

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