Яхтинг в Сицилии | часть 4 - покупаем рыбу, посещаем грот, прощаемся с островом

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Всем привет! В этом видео покупаем рыбу у местных Сицилийских рыбаков. Посетим грот. Выйдем в море на яхте на всех парусах! Арендуем кабриолет и попрощаемся с островом.

In this fourth and final part of our yacht sailing in Sicily video series, we visit the beautiful island of Pantelleria. After a short visit to the port of Catania, we head out to sea to explore the caldera of Stromboli and the uninhabited Isola del Giglio. Along the way, we stop at some beautiful ports such as Marina di Novi Ligure and Genoa.

If you're looking to explore beautiful Sicily by yacht, then this video is for you! By the end of this series, you'll have a better understanding of the islands and will be able to make the most of your trip with the right knowledge and planning. So please stay tuned for part 5, where we
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